“We believe healthy living is a process, not a destination - found only by seeking Jesus Christ first in all things. “

Bottom line? THE PROCESS LIFE, is a group fitness program for women located in Jefferson, GA. We have 3 New classes going into the new (2025) year: Yoga, Rip-stick Workouts, and Pilates!

What to expect at class?

We meet you where you are at. When you come in, you will be greeted by an awesome group of women. We start our time with prayer and jump right into our workout. You will be brought through circuit group strength training at YOUR level. Whether you are looking to grow in strength, drop a few pounds, or make a lifestyle change - we will be here prayerfully helping you achieve your goals.

****Scroll down to the bottom of any page on this website to sign up for class. Click the 3 lines to the right. Select “Membership” to find your “First Time Free” class sign up.


Every time we encounter Jesus, we grow towards a better way of living - in one way or another. We believe healthy living is a process, not a destination - found only by seeking Jesus Christ first in all things.

Currently, we meet 3-4 days a week, workout, pray together, and host quarterly workshops to educate the women in all things health. In Christ through venues of fitness, prayer, and awesome community we strive to glorify Jesus.

We are confident in what He wants to do in you - rescue you, make you whole, and bring you into a healthier way of living. We are confident in you growing in strength and confidence here with us. Come let us help you achieve your goals!!!

We hope you can join us.

Please come and check it out on us.